A California Confluence May 12-20, 2012
Sat May 12 Hand Made Music (CrashSpace LA)
Sun May 13 Gala Pd/Max Patching Circle with International Guests(CrashSpace LA)
Mon May 14 Reception/Demonstrations/Roundtable with Miller Puckette (UCSD)
Tue May 15 Workshops and Performance events at CrashSpace and LA community venues
Wed May 16 Workshops and Performance events at CrashSpace and LA community venues
Thu May 17 Workshops and Performance events at CrashSpace and LA community venues
Sat May 19 Maker Faire 2012 (San Mateo California)
Sat May 20 Maker Faire 2012 (San Mateo California)

This DIY conference, (aka confluence) is sponsored by CrashSpace LA and New Blankets, Inc.
as an effort to encourage Puredata and the Maker movement, and to promote the spread of
read/write culture for everyone. VIP guests/participants for PdLAunch_II include Miller
Puckette, Hans Christoph Steiner, Chris McCormick, Andy Farnell, Sofy Yudistkaya ... and
more TBD.

The PdLAunch_II local committee will help participants with locating accommodations and
other logistics -- If there is sufficient interest we may be able to get a room
block/discount at a hotel near CrashSpace. Couch-surfing opportunities may be found as
well, in LA and San Diego. (On Friday, some transportation will also be provided from Los
Angeles to the Maker Faire in San Mateo as well.)

If you plan to join us at PdLAunch_II,
please RSVP as soon as you can.
Let us know if we can help your participation in any way.
Especially let us know about any particular workshops and/or demos that you would like to give or attend.
(If you can't make it in person to PdLAunch_II please consider sending us an "exemplary Pd patch."
It might encourage and inspire us all &emdash; and your patch might wind up on the sidewalks of LA ...)