In the Pd+RPi workshops so far, we've asked people to bring laptops
and use the RPi "tethered" via an ethernet cable, ssh and X11-forwarding.

- On the SDHC card the Pi is configured at IP

ssh login uses
User pi
Password 3.14159

- So the Xterm command, with X forwarding is:

ssh -l pi -Y

- Participants also need to know how to set the IP address of their
laptop to be in the correct domain, e.g. set it to something like -- (anything but NOT .131)

*** Note ***

In this arrangement, it has turned out that the preliminaries
required to set up ssh and the X-forwarding on various kinds of
laptops can be quite time-consuming, if a few things aren't done in
advance. -- So an ounce of prevention and preparation are suggested
as follows (and having the software installers handy on USB stick,
rather than relying on internet search/download ...)

- Linux laptops: ssh/X11 works as needed and best results.

- Windows: suggest free Moba xterm

- Mac laptops: suggest free xquartz

*** Audio-out note:

We have also used some cheap ($6) speakers plugged into the RPi,
not for the speakers but because they also provide an amplified
headphone jack (Our speakers are conveniently powered by any
available USB port, e.g. from the laptop). But some participants
report that their headphones plugged directly in to the RPi will
also work. (A male-male patch cable from the RPi audio-out to the laptop
"mic" input might also be riggable?)
But, in any case, Pd+RPi without some form of audio-out
isn't going to be a great success. :)